Easter Egg Bouquet

Here is a simple Easter Egg Bouquet that makes the perfect centerpiece for any table!  With just a few craft supplies and a glass jar you can create this unique Spring Decoration.   Add a few Flower Stickers to Small Oval Eggs (made from craft foam), attach eggs to craft sticks, and wrap sticks with Cotton Baker's Thread.  Then fill a vase or clear jar with popcorn kernels, jelly beans, Easter grass, or shredded paper and position Easter Eggs w/ Sticks to create this adorable bouquet! Who doesn't Read more [...]
Easy Hanging Easter Eggs with Burlap Ribbon, Lace, and Craft Foam

Hanging Easter Eggs

This Easter try something new...Hanging Easter Eggs with Burlap Ribbon and Twine.  Made from Craft Foam Ovals and embellished with just a few simple craft supplies, these Easter Eggs are both simple and adorable!  Hang these eggs on an Easter Tree or a branch from the yard to create a unique centerpiece for your table. These would also make great tags or place setting "eggs". Very simple to make with very little cutting required and no drying time when using Glue Dots to attach the burlap ribbon Read more [...]
Glitter Easter Eggs in a Basket

Glitter Easter Eggs with Flowers

Make this Easter "sparkle" with these adorable Glitter Easter Eggs with Flowers!  These eggs make the perfect table decoration for Easter dinner and are so easy to make.   All it takes is a dozen eggs (real or plastic), assorted glitter, Glue Dots, and a few Buttons.  You won't even need messy dye.   Glue Dots adhere securely to the egg shells with no drying time required.  Create flower shapes with only 4-5 Glue Dots per egg.  Then attach a button to the center to finish off the sparkling Read more [...]