Acorn Necklaces for an easy Fall Craft you can wear!

Easy Acorn Necklaces

Inspired by our “Coffee Craft Foam” post, we created these adorable Acorn Necklaces in just a few simple steps.  Dye the foam acorns with coffee grounds, stitch embroidery floss around the craft foam, add a button, and a attach a jewelry bail to the back of the acorn.  Once they are all assembled no one would ever guess you made them from inexpensive craft foam!  These make a perfect weekend craft and great gifts too~

Acorn Necklaces for an easy Fall Craft you can wear!

The secret to these adorable Acorn Necklaces is… coffee grounds!  If you missed our previous post on using coffee grounds to “dye” craft foam (Read Here).  The above foam acorns started out white and tan.  However, once we dyed them with coffee grounds they take on this look.  Once they are embellished no one would ever guess these are made with light-weight inexpensive craft foam!  Press craft foam shape into coffee groundHere is how the Acorn Shapes look after they have been pressed in coffee grounds…  Rub off excess grounds and let dry before stitching:)

Coffee Grounds and Craft Foam Acorn shapes are sold pre-cut in a pack of 216 for only $20.00 (that’s less than 10 cents each)!


Once the acorn shapes are dyed by the coffee grounds and have completely dried, stitch embroidery floss around the edges of the acorn.  We found it very easy to sew craft foam with an embroidery needle. It is actually easier than felt to stitch!  Here are several ideas for adding the stitches…

Add "stitches" to craft foam with embroidery floss

Here we stitched “loops” around the edges of the foam acorn.

Acorn Necklaces - use embroidery floss to sew on craft foam.

Once back to the top of the acorn, tie the ends of the embroidery floss in a knot on the back of the acorn shape to secure.  Trim any excess floss.

Tie off embroidery floss when done stitching

Attach a small craft button to the center of the acorn shape with embroidery floss and tie ends to secure.  Trim any excess.

Acorn Necklaces - Add a button to the foam acorn.

Now its time to attach the Copper Jewelry Bail to the back of the foam acorn!  This is easy with a little E6000.  Apply a small amount of E6000 to the jewelry bail.  FYI:  E6000 comes out of the bottle really easy so make sure you don’t squeeze or you will have way too much glue.  Also, E6000 is a self leveling adhesive so once it is applied to the jewelry bail, it will level itself.  Therefore, only a little bit of adhesive is needed.  Make sure there is adhesive on the base of the jewelry bail as well as the top where the acorn “stem” will be attached (see below).

Acorn Necklaces - attach a copper jewelry bail with E6000 to craft foam

Press the acorn to the jewelry bail and hold in place for a few seconds.  We attached these acorns to the jewelry bail in the same “curve” of the jewelry bail.  It only took a few minutes of pressure to secure them.  Allow an hour to dry before adding cord or twine.

Acorn Necklaces... attach foam acorn to jewelry bail with E6000.

Once the E6000 is dry, the acorn is secure to the jewelry bail and you can add elastic cord, natural twine, embroidery floss, ribbon, or whatever you would like to use to hang these Acorn Necklaces!

Acorn Necklaces made with Craft Foam and Buttons

We used the following cording:  Metallic Gold Elastic Cord (right), Matching Embroidery Floss – 2 strands (middle), and Natural Twine (left).  If you want to wear the acorn as a shorter necklace, we recommend some kind of “stretchy” cord (like elastic).  This way you won’t need any additional jewelry findings to assemble these necklaces.  Of course, ribbon, twine, and embroidery floss work well if you are making longer necklaces.  You will need about 24″ for each necklace.  Then you can simply tie off the ends and no clasps will be necessary.

How to Make Acorn Necklaces with Craft Foam

Here’s a quick recap…  Start by pressing Foam Acorn Shapes into used coffee grounds.  Let them dry and rub off excess grounds.  Next, stitch embroidery floss around the shape.  Add a button to the center of the acorn.  Attach a jewelry bail with E6000.  Let dry and add your choice of cording (ribbon, elastic cord, embroidery floss, or twine).  What a great weekend craft!  Necklaces make great gifts too~

Shopping List:

Acorn Necklaces Supplies Needed

  • Foam Acorn Shapes
  • Embroidery Floss
  • Buttons
  • Copper Jewelry Bails
  • E6000
  • Twine, Ribbon, Elastic Cord
  • Used Coffee Grounds



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